

Trying to get back into the swing of drawing. It's always tougher than I want it to be, and still always more rewarding than I remember it being.


I don't know

I just started to doodle and this is what came out - I don't know where it came from - I doubt it was a good place...

Big Eye Betty


Another try, this time with breasts

I feel like there's a strange melange of things going on here.

Experimenting with a process

In stark contrast to the last post, here we have a naked woman's face, but not her body...

I zag when you think I'll zig!


Who needs faces anyway...

I should just re-title this blog Naked Women Who Might Be Disfigured (And Maybe Not!)


Lunchtime Sketches

I need to just get back into the habit of sketching at lunch, at the very least.

I miss sketching

I don't know why I've taken such a break from sketching. Just lazy, I guess..


Then and now

There's a fun meme that started here. If you've got a minute, check out the other submissions - some great stuff there.



Finally, A couple of decent depictions of Steff. (Though, of course, her head isn't ridiculously small, but still...)



Sketch / caricature

Here's a quick lunchtime sketch - again on the tablet - I think you should expect to see a lot of tablet-sketches in the coming weeks. it's just so much more convenient for me to sketch on the tablet, then upload, rather than having to photograph/scan each sketch.

playing around with caricature today too...


60 second poses

Pose maniacs - about 17 minutes, if I've counted correctly


It's kind of an awkward pose, sure, but I still mangled her hand...


two more with the tablet

I think I'm starting to get the hang of the tablet - it's pretty fun to use, actually...

drawing tablet

I bought a drawing tablet for a project I'm working on - here's my first attempt at a decent sketch with it. I think I spent about 10 minutes on it.



Self Portrait

I haven't been sketching much lately - here's my first one in a long time. it came out angrier looking than I meant for it to. Really, I was just mid-day tired...


New paintings

I think these two are finished:

I'm still working on these: